The False White Gospel:
Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy

Jim Wallis urges us to confront White Christian Nationalism, a dangerous ideology that perpetuates white supremacy and autocracy. He calls on everyone, regardless of their faith, to reject this false gospel and work together to dismantle it. Wallis directs our attention to six key biblical texts that define genuine faith and the teachings of Jesus in the gospels.

This message isn't exclusively for Christians; it's for people of all faiths and those with no faith at all. In a political climate marked by fear, hate, and violence, we need a civic faith centered on love, healing, and hope to counter it. This endeavor is a collective responsibility, involving both religious and non-religious individuals. Embracing a politics of neighborly love will be pivotal for the future of American democracy, as the timeless words of Jesus remind us, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Schedule Jim to speak on this important topic.

More info here.

Other titles by Jim Wallis


Christ in Crisis?: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus

Released: September 24, 2019

In response to the current "constitutional crisis," Jim Wallis encourages America to re-embrace the teachings of Jesus as a remedy for the divisive bitterness and anger plaguing our nation.

Wallis, in "Christ in Crisis," lays out a path towards spiritual healing and unity to bridge the divides in contemporary America. Drawing on "Reclaiming Jesus," a declaration he co-authored with other church leaders in May 2018, he argues that Christians have strayed from Jesus' teachings and must return to their spiritual foundations. Wallis uses eight questions either posed by or to Jesus as a metric to gauge our alignment with the moral and spiritual core of the Christian faith.

He underscores that Christians have historically returned to their devoted discipleship of Jesus in times of trouble, a process he terms "coming home." While he addresses our nation's divisions and perils, his focus is faith, not politics.

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America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America

Released: January 12, 2016

The book's central topic is racism in America and the urgent need to address and rectify the deep-seated racial issues that have persisted throughout the nation's history. The author, Jim Wallis, emphasizes the importance of confronting and eradicating racism, particularly within the context of Christian faith, and advocates for a path toward racial justice and healing. He highlights the enduring legacy of racism, discusses the challenges posed by white privilege and demographic changes, and calls for a proactive, faith-based approach to combating racism and promoting a more inclusive, multiracial society. The book's overarching theme is the need to address and overcome America's original sin of racism.

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(Un)Common Good: How The Gospel Brings Hope To A World Divided

Released: June 3, 2014

Jim Wallis thinks our life together can be better. In this timely and provocative book, he shows us how to reclaim Jesus's ancient and compelling vision of the common good--a vision that impacts and inspires not only our politics but also our personal lives, families, churches, neighborhoods, and world. Now available in paperback with a new preface.

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On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned about Serving the Common Good

Released: April 1, 2013

Abraham Lincoln's quote, "My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side," remains relevant today. Wallis addresses our current context, emphasizing the need for a spiritual compass to create lasting societal change.

He explains how Jesus's gospel can transform both individual and public lives, inspiring personal responsibility and social justice. Wallis believes that by working together, we can reshape our churches, society, politics, and economy. In the midst of divisive national debates, this book seeks to unite a divided country, exploring how Jesus's agenda can serve the common good and sustain lifelong commitment to social justice.

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The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith & Politics in a Post-Religious Right America

Released: February 1, 2008

To address the world's major issues like poverty, climate change, violence, racism, and more, Wallis sees a pressing need for solutions and hope. In a climate dominated by blame and fear, he recognizes a growing hunger for a politics that unites and seeks answers.

Wallis points out that religious faith has historically driven significant national reforms, like the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement. He believes it's time for another transformative movement. In "The Great Awakening," he offers a path to rediscover our moral compass, inspiring change, and holding politics accountable to tackle our most significant challenges.

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God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It

Released: August 29, 2006

The book "God's Politics" by Jim Wallis discusses the integration of moral and religious values into American politics while emphasizing that the separation of church and state does not necessitate the exclusion of these values from the public sphere. It addresses various moral issues, such as war, poverty, racism, abortion, and capital punishment, and encourages readers to convert their spiritual beliefs into meaningful social change.

The book advocates for holding political leaders accountable by incorporating these deep convictions into the nation's public life and aims to inspire a grassroots movement to achieve this. The central topic is the role of religion, morality, and values in American politics and society.

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